Student Services Building

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student services building

The Student Services Building offers a variety of meeting and program spaces available to departments and registered student organizations on campus. Screens, projectors and computer access are built in most available spaces for ease of the users.

Student Services Building reservations can be made by turning in a room reservation form or pavilion reservation form via email. Further information may be obtained by calling 618/453-3300.

Student Services Building Scheduling Guidelines

  1. Only university departments may schedule rooms in the Student Services Building. Off-campus organizations, Registered Student Organizations (RSO's) and the general public are not allowed to book space in the Student Services Building but RSO's can book the outdoor Student Services Building Pavilion.

  2. Departments are authorized to book space in the Student Services building for up to one year in advance. 

  3. The Student Services Building is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Events for which space is requested inside the Student Services Building must be held during these hours. No evening or weekend reservations are allowed. Events in the Student Services Building Pavilion (outside) must end at 8:00pm. Extension of Pavilion end times and use of facilities on nights and weekends require special approval By the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Undergraduate Admissions has priority use of SSB Room 170 as well as access to the facility on nights and weekends for recruitment and retention programs and campus visits.

  4. Requests for space in the Student Services Building may be made in person, by email via or phone at 453-3300. Requests are preferred at least 2 business days in advance of the meeting with program.

  5. All organizations scheduled to use the Student Services Building rooms will be responsible for the proper use of the facilities, furnishings, and equipment (including audiovisual equipment) in the scheduled areas by a anyone attending the function.

  6. The Student Services Building does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of any equipment or materials left in the building. All items will be given the same care and protection as Student Services Building property. If items are left, they will be taken to the Student Services Building Front Desk in the lobby, the official lost and found location for the facility.

  7. In the interest of safety and security the following rules apply:
    • The number of guests attending the scheduled function is not to exceed the capacity of the room and setup arrangements.
    • All aisles leading to exit doors must be kept clear and unobstructed.
    • Exit doors may not be fastened or obstructed to prohibit exit.
  8. Decorations and methods of display must be approved by a Student Services Building scheduler. Decorating of tables is allowed but with care, as not to cause excessive damage. Items prohibited include but not limited to:
    • Suspending items from light fixtures, sprinkler heads, or ceiling.
    • The use of tape, glue, thumbtacks, staples, or adhesive on the walls, ceilings, doorframes, columns, or staging for attaching any material.
    • Open flame or water (Hurricane or votive candles may be permitted upon request in advance)
  9. The Student Services Building reserves the right to cancel a reservation if it conflicts with the general policy of the Student Services Building or the University. The Student Services Building also reserves the right to move a reservation to a comparable space if deemed necessary.

  10. A group is considered a “no-show” if the group is not present in the scheduled space for which they scheduled a meeting or program. All first and second “no-shows” will result in an e-mail of warning to the person who scheduled the space for the group. All third “no-shows” may result in a email of notification of suspension of room scheduling privileges for the remainder of the semester.

  11. The Student Services Building reserves the right to approval all marketing materials associated with an event to ensure compliance with all Student Services Building, university and state rules and regulations.

  12. RSOs and departments may be required to present a certificate of insurance if the event has high risk activities, off-campus presenters or performers, a large volume of attendees, requires security and/or alcohol is being served. The Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Student Services Building schedulers at least business 3 days prior to the commencement of a scheduled event. The Certificate of Insurance must meet these minimum insurance requirements:
    • Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence or $3,000,000 General Aggregate
      Insurance. Umbrella liability insurance may be used to the meet the general liability coverage limit requirements.
    • The organizations and/or person(s) must procure and maintain the required insurance until completion of the scheduled event(s).
    • The insurance company providing insurance must have a B+:VI rating or better via the current edition of Best’s Rating Guide.
    • The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University shall be named as additional insured on commercial general liability policies. The following wording shall appear on any Certificate of Insurance provided: “The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University is an additional insured for any liability arising from the activities of the Providers/Users and/or subcontractors performing work on behalf of the Provider.”
    • More information on Southern Illinois University insurance requirements can be found on SIU Risk Management website:
  13. Misuse of Student Services Building facilities and policies may result in loss of scheduling privileges.

Scheduling Guidelines